The Meteor Pack - 15 weapons
Meteor Shower: Calls down a rain of meteors from the sky
Roman Candle: Six sparkling flares all fired in the same path
Flying Digger : Digs into the ground where the missile lands
Comet: Explodes on contact into six highly bouncy fragments
Sunburn: Explodes near tank, fires laser beams that bounce off terrain
Riptide: Sends out a horizontal wave of reflective missiles
Buzzsaw: Chews up the terrain as it bounces along
Static Ball: Bouncy object that 'shocks' any nearby tanks
Mystery Bombs: Four randomly diving bullets, larger than average explosions
Flower Power: Tunneling missile that spreads multicolored bouncing bombs
Turn and Burn: Sets the fuse near your tank then rockets you to safety
Dome Protect: A dome of dirt generates around your tank
Backfire: A random tank teleporter with a twist
Old Faithful: Extremely powerful version of the Hail Storm
Bouncy Bomb: Big crater with lots of bouncy dirt, the perfect setup